Digital accessibility: understand its importance and how to do it

Accessibility is a term widely used in politics to improve the way that people with a disability can use public services and get around the city.

Do you know, however, how this concept can be used in the creation of websites and blogs? We will answer, in this post, what digital accessibility is, what its importance is and how to put it into practice.

How to increase the Average Time on Page of your website

Ilustração de uma mulher mexendo no computador numa mesa enquanto ouve música com seu gato em sua cabeça.

When your visitors start spending less and less time on your blog, for example, a warning signal should sound. Hence, you need to implement the right efforts to remedy the situation. After all, the lower the contact, the less likely users are to know your content and products or services.

VOOOZER or VOOZER: what now?

VOOOZER or VOOZER? Naming a company is not easy. In addition to being a challenge, naming something or someone is often an art. Creativity, originality, clarity, budget, sound and empathy are just some of the factors that can be taken into account in the process of creating a name for a company, a brand, a product or a service.