Audio Marketing checklist for success!


No time to read? Press play above and listen to the article!

The Audio Marketing methodology created by VOOOZER helps companies to generate more results with their content. The concept of adding an audio version to a content to leverage your results is simple and powerful.

However, there are some details that must be remembered and best practices that should never be underestimated. Therefore, we have gathered these main points in this article to help you ensure that your Audio Marketing strategy is on track to success.

Important: this content was created especially for you, VOOOZER customer, so feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you have any suggestions related to this material.

Before we start, remember: discipline and consistency are pillars for a successful content strategy. In other words, don’t be surprised how often I will alert you to the importance of an item and be prepared for the amount of ‘always’ that we have in the checklist.

Order your narrations as soon as possible – always

What I want to highlight in this first item is the perspective of the issue. With the right perspective, you will realize the importance of always ordering your narrations as soon as possible.

Imagine that you have a balance of 4 narrations to order, but you are very busy and it ends up taking 5 days to place orders. Now, consider that this happens every month. In this scenario, what you fail to gain (which is practically the same as losing), is as follows:

  • 4 narrations x 5 days = 20; if each narration had been ordered 5 days earlier, each audio could have generated 5 more days of results. That is, the equivalent of 20 days of results from 1 single audio;
  • 20 days of lost results x 12 months = 240 days of results.

So if every month you take 5 days to order 4 narrations, throughout the year it is as if you had taken an audio post off the air for 240 days. So just as you have no reason to take an audio off the air for 240 days, you have no reason to delay ordering your narrations.

Publish your audios as soon as possible – always

Apply the same logic as the previous item and you will be frightened by the results that you can lose by taking too long to publish your audios. Understand the ripple effect you want to avoid.

If it takes you 5 days to order a narration and then it takes 2 more days to publish it after it is delivered, you have lost 7 days of audio results. Adding this to the previous account, we have:

  • 4 narrations x 2 days late to publish = 8 days of results;
  • 8 days of lost results x 12 months = 96 days of results;
  • If we add these 96 to the 240 days lost from the previous item, there are 336 days of lost results.

Moral of the story: if you take too long to order and publish your audios, you can easily lose the equivalent of 1 year of results, or even more!

Publish your audios following our best practices – always

One of the things that I find most interesting about VOOOZER’s Audio Marketing methodology is the balance between simplicity, discipline and consistency. Basically, if you take the simple methodology and execute it with discipline and consistency, you will have impressive results.

In the items above, we have already seen that time can be your greatest enemy or your greatest ally to generate more results. In this topic, I will show you how simple techniques can be used to your advantage.

Always place the audio player at the top of your article, following one of these scenarios

  1. Player just below the title (H1); if you use a subheading, place the player below it.
  2. Player just below the first paragraph; if the first paragraphs are short (maximum 3 lines each), you may also place the player after the 2nd paragraph – but not lower than that.

Add a call to action above or below the player

Yes, the VOOOZER player stands out on its own, but a call to action will certainly leverage its results even more.

Do not create distractions or highlights in your call to action

Forget the bold or any formatting other than the body text – the call to action must be like a sincere message from the author, therefore, it must look the same as the body text. Do not put call to action in parentheses – reinforcing, this call to action needs to appear as part of the body text.

Be human and contextualize your call to action

Since your call to action needs to seem like a sincere message from the author, the best thing to do is to work with a natural and contextualized language. A simple and effective formula for this is to include the keyword in question (or some related term) in this call to action.

For example, let’s say that the content in question talks about ‘tips for home office’, an interesting call to action would be: ‘Check out our tips for home office without having to read! Press play and listen to this article.’.

Invest on your star posts – (almost) always

Every audio post you publish on your blog comes from an existing article. Therefore, choosing which articles will receive an audio version is a strategic task. The good news is that this is also a simple task.

The idea is to add the convenience of audio to content with the greatest potential for results. That way, you maximize your cost-benefit and your ROI. To achieve this you must keep an eye on two main points: traffic volume and strategic relevance.

Traffic volume

The greater the traffic of an article, the greater the waste of engagement in this article and, consequently, the greater its potential. This is because the lack of time and willingness to read can affect any content. Therefore, an article that receives 1,000 visits will probably have a larger number of people failing to read it than an article that receives 100 visits.

By adding the convenience of audio to the article with the most traffic, you reverse some of the waste and engage more people who don’t have time or are not willing to read.

We recommend looking at the last 3 months of data and analyzing the traffic by acquisition channel. Your goal is to identify which articles will have the most traffic in the coming months and, therefore, should receive an audio version.

Hence, the importance of opening traffic by channel: the greater the organic traffic of an article, the greater the chances of that traffic remaining in the coming months. On the other hand, traffic from other sources, such as social networks and paid media, may not be as guaranteed for the coming months depending on your current strategy.

Strategic relevance

In addition to quantity, you must pay attention to quality. That is, weigh in the strategic position of a text before deciding to add an audio version along with it. This consideration gets clearer with the following examples:

Example 1: an article on your blog is one of the top 10 in traffic, however it is not part of any relevant content nurturing flow, it is for top of the funnel visitors, outdated and it is not adapted to the current version of your persona. This means that the traffic for that article may not be as valuable as you would like and its visitors’ search intent it’s probably not aligned with the current customer journey for your product or service. With that in mind, it is probably more advantageous to look for other articles to add the audio version.

Example 2: you have launched an article for visitors on the bottom of your marketing funnel about 2 months ago and it is still not showing the desired engagement. This article is part of a recently developed content nurturing flow and it fits right into your current persona. For all these reasons, each visit in this article is valuable to your company and you would like this content to be better positioned in the search results and better consumed by its visitors. With that in mind, it is probably worth adding audio to this article, even though its traffic is not as high as the traffic of the most popular ones in your blog.

Ensure the compatibility of the player with the layout of your pages and their respective AMP versions

The VOOOZER player is responsive and easily inserted into your pages through an embed code. Therefore, there is no need to install any plugins or make any additional configuration to publish the player on your pages. But in rare cases the player may appear with some type of error. In the rare instances where this happens, it is caused by some incompatibility between the website theme and the player.

Therefore, the first time you insert the player on your website and after any changes to the layout or theme of your website, remember to check whether you have any visual problems. To do this, simply access a page with the player:

  • Using a desktop;
  • Using a smartphone;
  • Using a tablet;
  • Also remember to access the AMP version of the page – if you have AMP pages set on your site.

If you notice a large white space below the player, try using the code below as a solution:

<div style = ”height: 83px; margin: 0 auto; ”>PASTE VOOOZER STANDARD EMBED CODE HERE</div>

And if you notice that the player appears to be cut off on your AMP pages, visit our article explaining how to solve this issue.

Final considerations

These are basic pillars and should not be underestimated. Not everything that generates great results needs to be complex, laborious and uncertain. On the contrary! We have been working on this methodology for some years now with great content, engagement and SEO professionals, precisely to build something powerful, simple and replicable.

We made a lot of mistakes during this time, we tested things that didn’t get anywhere and we also got it right. Luckily or not, these arrangements are easy and quick to be replicated by you, in your own strategy!

I hope that you enjoyed this material and that, if you are not yet implementing any of these best practices, you will do so as soon as possible and start generating even more results with your Audio Marketing strategy.

For questions and suggestions, feel free to comment here on the blog or send a message directly to the customer success manager of your account here on VOOOZER.

See you next time!